Privacy Policy
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government") is concerned to ensure that all personal data submitted through this mobile application are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (
This mobile application will use location in the background to temporarily record and track the users’ hiking routes using the APIs provided by Apple or Google. Users’ location will be recorded at the service center of the Communications Association of Hong Kong (“CAHK”). Should there be any accident during the hike, the emergency rescue parties can locate the user with the registered mobile phone number to facilitate rescue operation. Location information will be erased automatically after seven days if no incident has been reported.
For different purposes and at different times you may be invited to provide personal data to the Government through this mobile application on a voluntary basis. Personal information may include telephone number. The Government will specify the collection purpose and intended usage of your data when it invites you to provide such information and advise you how you may request access to or correction of the personal data provided. Unless permitted or required by law, the Government will not disclose your personal data to any third parties without your prior consent. This Privacy Policy has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
© 2021 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
香港特別行政區政府(下稱「政府」)會確保所有透過流動應用程式遞交的個人資料,均按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》( ) 的有關條文處理。
© 2021漁農自然護理署
香港特别行政区政府(下称'政府')会确保所有透过移动应用程序递交的个人资料,均按照《个人资料(私隐)条例》( 的有关条文处理。
本应用程序会使用Apple或Android的应用程序界面在背景获取用户的位置,以暂时记录及追踪用户的远足路线。用户的位置会记录在香港通讯业联会的服务中心系统,一旦远足人士迷途或失踪,紧急救援人员便可根据用户的流动电话号码搜寻其位置,以加快救援。 若无搜救要求,所有位置资料会于7天后自动删除。
政府可能会透过移动应用程序于不同期间及为个别原因,邀请你自愿提供个人资料。 此等数据可能包括电话号码。 政府邀请你提供资料时,会列明收集资料的目的和用途,并会告知你如何要求查阅或改正所提供的个人资料。 除非法律许可或有所规定,政府不会在未得到你的同意下透露你的个人资料予第三者。 此中文私隐政策为英文版本译本,如中、英文两个版本有任何抵触或不相符之处,应以英文版本为准。
© 2021渔农自然护理署